Fine china store “YAMAWA”
As you enter our “kura” style store with its black walls, dynamic columns and hari(beams), we exhibit china pieces that are made by local artists.
Farther back in the store,we have many china/glass pieces in corners labeled with chaming names(in japanese!)such as “necessary glasses” (glass pieces), “my daily china” (china pieces that are used in every day life), and “as you like” (gift pieces).
Cafe Torocco
In one corner of our store “Yamawa” we have Cafe Torocco, which serves Kawagoes famous and very popular sweet potato mini-kaiseki(A sweet flavored sticky rice set sweet potato portrage).
In the summer, please enjoy our home-made iced maccha (fine green tea) or our maccha “slush” (iced fine green tea and sweet red bean paste).
In the winter please try our hot maccha(Omaccha) or our hot red bean drink with a sweet potato flavored rice cake.
Our cafe features high-chairs, high-tables of blacklacquered wood with unique cup holders (holes in the table top) and bag hangers.
Also, since we use our own fine china in Cafe Torocco, you can enjoy using these fine china pieces.